Apple with “Full – on solution” to develop Multitasking in iPhone 4.0

Apple’s new iPhone OS 4.0, which is expected to be launching very soon in June, comes with some exciting features, the most important of them is multi-tasking and it’s also will allow third party iPhone application o run in background.


An insider from Apple said that “people with a proven track record in predicting Apple’s technological advances” claimed that in iPhone OS 4.0 Apple has developed a “full-on solution” to multitasking.

An insider from Apple claimed:

People with a proven track record in predicting Apple’s technological advances tell AppleInsider that the Cupertino-based company has developed a "full-on solution" to multitasking on the iPhone OS but offered no specifics on how the technology would optimize resource conservation and battery life — two of the most critical issues surrounding the matter, alongside security.

From a user-facing perspective, Apple plans to deliver a multi-tasking manager that leverages interface technology already bundled with its Mac OS X operating system, according to those same people. It was requested that specifics be withheld at this time, as the iPhone Software 4.0 remains under development and reportedly has a quite ‘way to go’ before it’s ready for prime time.

iPhone OS 4.0 and next generation iPhone-iPhone 4G, are slotted to be released in the same month in June.

Apple has argument that, till now multitasking drains the battery of the iPhone very quickly and as an alternative to that they introduced Push Notification service in iPhone OS 3.0 as a workaround. But it lacks in meeting requirements like internet radio based iPhone apps like Pandora hat should be running in the background.

Now we have to wait to see how Apple implements the solution along with allowing third arty iPhone apps to run in background. The solution they implemented in iPhone’s touch screen interface was perfect.

As already pointed out, we have third party multitasking applications like ProSwitcher, BackGrounder, Multiflow etc for jailbroken iPhone devise. To Jailbreak your device visit our post How to – Jailbreak iPhone 3G 3GS 3.1.3 with Sn0wbreeze – V1.3, Jailbreak Unlock iPhone 3G 3GS 3.1.2 with Blackra1n and Jailbreak IPhone 2G 3G 3GS 3.1.2 On Windows Custom Firmware

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One Comment

  • Timothy Kellar says:

    Great write up. The iPhone is truly revolutionary and I don’t like being without it. This time last year I had jumped in a pool with my iPhone and it was dead. I had to wait 10 days before I was able to get a new one. The phone I had was a cheap go phone. I really love all the apps that can be downloaded to the iPhone. The best part about the iPhone to me is the ability to check emails on the fly. Thanks for the information.

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