Palm-Sized DVD Player

How small the CD or a DVD player can get? The answer is: just about the size of a CD or a DVD. That’s certainly true as we have seen CD player shrinking in size until they are just about the size of a CD but what about DVD players? The same thing wasn’t true for DVD players before we heard of a palm-sized DVD player. The size is of course about the size of a DVD and amazingly it’s small enough for you to fit in your palm. So, you can put it in your bag or a purse and carry it along with you wherever you go.


Image: Palm Sized DVD Player

Having a 3.5’’ of screen, a USB port, AV Cable and last but not the least an SD card slot, the player looks pretty sleek. One thing which gave us a huge set back is its battery timing which lasts with 2 hours of use and takes 3 hours to get fully charged up. The battery timing will give you enough time to watch a single movie in one go.

Lastly, you will require $149.95 to bring the player to your home.

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One Comment

  • Marianela Groby says:

    Exceptional page. My co-workers and I were just talking about this the other night. Also your site looks nice on my old sidekick. Now thats uncommon. Keep it up.

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