ZoomIt Allows iPhone Users to Access Content From an SD Card [iPhone Accessory]

For iPhone users here is good news ZoomMediaPlus (Mac Peripheral maker) will be launching an interesting iPhone accessory MacWorld “ZoomIt”. ZoomIt is an SD card reader that can be attached to the iPhone in order to access external Photos, videos, music and other documents from your iPhone.


ZoomIt is a free iPhone app which can be easily downloaded from App Store. This application is used to help the ZoomIt SD card adopter which is application driven hardware and used to access various file including .PPT, .XLS, .PDF and .DOC files, along with that it enables you to watch photos, and play music. You just have to connect the adopter to your iPhone via dock connector.

ZoomIt app supports only the unprotected files in case of video and music file, they can only be played fom the SD card. But ZoomIt has its own interface which allows you to view photos from both iPhone and SD card. Chris Fisher the CEO of ZoomMediaPlus has stated that they will soon solve the problem of protected file. There were also some rumors that ZoomIt will support iPad also but Chris Fisher refused to comment on it.


ZoomIt solves the problem of syncing, and is the first accessory which will allow the iPhone users to access foreign file from their handset.

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