Unlock iPhone 3.1.3 3G 3GS with blacksn0w

Good news is out, now you can easily unlock your iPhone 3.1.3, 3G and 3GS the old bootrom one, as Sn0wbreze 3.1.3 is now available and can be easily downloaded to jailbreak your iPhone. The details of how to jailbreak iPhone using Sn0wbreeze and ultasn0w has already been discussed. If your iPhone has baseband 04.26.08 […]

Download Blacksn0w to Unlock iPhone 3G 3GS 3.1.2 Baseband 5.11.07

Thanks to GeoHot, who finally ends the Dilemma of baseband 05.11.07 after releasing blacksn0w a soft that unlocks for iPhone 3G, 3GS running on 5.11.07 baseband, Blacksn0w can be downloaded from Cydia or directly from Blackra1n website. If you haven’t jailbreaked yet means you don’t have Cydia on your iPhone screen then follow our Blackra1n […]

Jailbreak Unlock iPhone 3G 3GS 3.1.2 with Blackra1n

The good news is out and now you can jailbreak unlock your iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS with baseband unlock 05.11.07 using GeoHot’s Blackra1n RC3 software, which is available for both Windows and Mac (Tiger+PPC) users. Blackra1n RC3 is one click simple way to jailbreak your iPhone, the most advanced and easy to use utility. Blackra1n […]