IPHONE Barcode scanner for environment conscious people!


With the increasing concerns regarding global warming, there is a need to give consumers enough information about the product before they make a purchase. The more is the product environment friendly, the more will the people like to purchase it. In this way, the companies will be forced to make more greener products which are good to health and the environment.

GoodGuide released its barcode application allowing consumers to input the bar code and the application fetched the details about the product but the practice of writing a barcode proved to be a  failure pushing the product to a dark corner of iTunes store. You can imagine, who likes to write down the codes in a busy store? Well, GoodGuide leant a good lesson and came up with an improved application allowing consumers to scan the barcode with the help of iphone and get the product information immediately. The information about the product includes health rating, environment rating and social rating. I think that’s enough information for someone conscious about an environment.

The best of all, barcode scanner is a freeware and can be downloaded from iTunes store.

Download BarCode Scanner from iTunes Store

Write an email to the author of this post at adnan@techskipper.com

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