Dev Team discovering more for iPhone firmware 3.1.3 baseband


iPhone Dev Team has a good news for the iPhone users who wants to jailbreak and unlock their iPhone. The MuscleNerd of iPhone Dev team re-discovered a crashing command yellowsn0w, the original software going to use for iPhone unlocking.

It shows that iPhone Dev team has discovered another way to exploit for iPhone OS 3.1.3 baseband. To find a way, how to jailbreak and unlock the latest iPhone OS. Already two working exploit for baseband 05.12.01 (bundled in iPhone OS 3.1.3) has been discovered by the iPhone’s hacking community.

Few days back Sherif Hashin also discovered an exploit for iPhone OS 3.1.3 baseband, whose working has been confirmed by MusleNerd of the iPhone Dev Team.

An iPhone hacking expert, Geohot had already released the most popular tools blackra1n,blacksn0w to jailbreak and unlock iPhone, along with that they had also discovered another working exploit for baseband 05.12.01 (bundled with iPhone OS 3.1.3).

If you wish to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone please visit our posts How to – Jailbreak iPhone 3G 3GS 3.1.3 with Sn0wbreeze – V1.3 or Unlock iPhone 3.1.3 3G 3GS with blacksn0w or Unlock iPhone 3.1.3 3G 3GS with ultrasn0w

MuscleNerd announced on his Twitter page:

"Ha just re-found crashing command yellowsn0w was originally going to use before +stkprof. Apple fixed it *accidentally* in 02.28.00.
some commands have come and gone. some command holes have come and gone. this command has come and gone but not the hole:)
it still seems accidental though 🙂 there are no overt signs that they’ve closed the hole, but the byte alignment kills it"

He also said:

"Apple has built in this bizzare intepreter into their baseband.

Why is it in production units? Fun!"

But it’s unclear whether they are talking about the same exploit or a different one.Whatever the case maybe, iPhone Dev Team and Geohot, both have many working exploits for the latest baseband, and there is no doubt that they may be realizing more tools to jailbreak and unlock iPhone OS 3.1.3.

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  • benchiha says:

    please i want to unlock my iphone 3g bb 05.12.01 bl 06.02

  • Aliii says:

    Hi everybody !! I accidently updated my Iphone 3g to 3.1.3 BB 05.12.01 !! i jailbroke it, but now i can’t unlock it( by downgrading the baseband with Fuzzyband) because of its bootloader 06.02 !! if someone could help me , it would be great !! thanks

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